Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Contrast in Color

"Related to the idea of color changing with the light, one other color phenomenon is important: our perception of colors changes according to their surroundings.  Even in the same light, a color will appear different depending on the colors that are adjacent to it.  Rarely do we see a color by itself.  Normally colors are seen in conjunction with others and the visual differences are often amazing." Design Basics, fourth edition, pg. 227.

A great way to teach this to student is to try to show them contrasting colors.
In the book How to Teach Art to Children, on page 40  there is a great lesson.
I have put it below.

The Background Makes a Difference
Contrast is the degree of difference between colors or tones in a piece of artwork.

Materials needed:
-a basket of small colorful objects
-colored construction paper

Step by Step
\1. Students choose an item and lay it on a colored background.
2. Students change the background to see if one color presents the item in a better way.  Which combinations of color have the best contrast?
3. Students explain which color is their favorite and why they chose it.

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